Da settembre 2022
Valentina Medda è un’artista interdisciplinare sarda che attualmente vive e lavora a Bologna.
La sua pratica artistica si snoda tra immagine, performance e interventi site specific, indagando la relazione tra pubblico e privato, corpo e architettura, città e appartenenza sociale. Il suo lavoro e’ stato in mostra in diversi contesti nazionali e internazionali, da Bologna, Milano, Cagliari a Parigi, New York, Beirut, Brussels e Amsterdam, ospite sia di gallerie che di Festivals di Performing Arts –tra questi il Festival di Santarcangelo, l’AUAWIRLEBEN di Berna -CH, l’OPENBARE WERKEN di Gent -BE, Danza Urbana a Bologna.
Negli ultimi anni è stata artist in residence al VOORUIT di Gent, al BAR di Beirut, alla Cité de Arts a Parigi, a Flux Factory a NY, a Les bains connective a Brussels, a MaisonVentidue a Bologna. Nel 2019 e’ stata invitata a far parte del Grand Tour d’Italie del MIBACT, e ha ricevuto, tra gli altri, il Cimetta Fund per la mobilita’ artistica, il Movin up della Regione Emilia Romagna, la IAP Mentorship della NYFA -New York Foundation for Arts e il Tina Art PRIZE.
Nel 2022, con il suo progetto Cities by Night Across Border –risultato della partnership internazionale tra Orlando Festival, Rosendal Teater e FemArt Festival– è stata una delle19 vincitrici del bando europeo PERFORM EUROPE, e al momento è tra le 11 vincitrici/ vincitori dell’undicesima edizione dell’Italian Council.
Valentina Medda is an interdisciplinary artist from Sardinia who currently lives and works in Bologna.
Her artistic practice unfolds between image, performance and site-specific interventions, inquiring the relationship between public and private, body and architecture, city and social belonging. Her work has been exhibited in different national and international contexts, from Bologna, Milan, Cagliari to Paris, New York, Beirut, Brussels and Amsterdam, as a guest of both galleries and Performing Arts Festivals – among these the Festival of Santarcangelo in Romagna, the AUAWIRLEBEN of Bern -CH, the OPENBARE WERKEN of Gent -BE, Danza Urbana in Bologna.
In the last years she has been artist in residence at VOORUIT in Gent, BAR in Beirut, Cité de Arts in Paris, Flux Factory in NY, Les bains connective in Brussels, MaisonVentidue in Bologna. In 2019 she was invited to be part of MIBACT’s Grand Tour d’Italie, and received, among others, the Cimetta Fund for artistic mobility, the Movin up of the Emilia Romagna Region, the IAP Mentorship of NYFA -New York Foundation for Arts, and the Tina Art PRIZE, an international award for Contemporary Art.
In 2022, with her project Cities by Night Across Border -result of the international partnership between Orlando Festival, Rosendal Teater and FemArt Festival- she was one of the19 winners of the European call for proposals PERFORM EUROPE, and is currently among the 11 winners of the 11th Italian Council.